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St. Louis
Just found this site and wanted to say hello. I have been on several diving trips (Cozumel & Cayman) since '96 and I'm currently planning a 10th anniversary trip. I'm looking for a place that has great diving, some nice beaches and good food.
Time to start surfing...
Welcome to ScubaBoard, great place to hang out and talk diving or whatever with other divers.
Welcome to the board!

Just found this site and wanted to say hello. I have been on several diving trips (Cozumel & Cayman) since '96 and I'm currently planning a 10th anniversary trip. I'm looking for a place that has great diving, some nice beaches and good food.
Time to start surfing...

Try Belize we just returned and had a geat time with great dives. Second largest barrier reef in the world, crystal clear water, large eagle rays, friendly dolphins.
Thanks all! Nice place you have here.
I will try and spend some time on the various boards (travel, Muck Divers, etc.). The only MO location that I have been diving was a rock quarry in Rolla (aka muck diving). That was during my certification dive on a cold day just before Halloween. It was not a good experience and has turned me off to diving in MO. Probably about time to give it another try.
Thanks again for the warm welcome.

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