Suggestion Fuji Users ! ! !

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The Kraken

The Kraken

He Who Glows in the Dark Waters (ADVISOR)
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Roswell/Alpharetta, GA
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I'm a Fish!
Are there any other Fuji users out there who'd like to have a forum???

the K
yea we could all get together and complain about the short battery run times. Looks like we are the only to Fujis out there.
I went with the Eveready 2500 milliamp rechargeable ones. They seem to be doing a pretty good job.

the K
Sure, I'd be willing...

I agree about the battery life. Sometimes I get 20 exposures with a fresh set (either disposable or rechargable) or I get 400.

When I shoot weddings, I simply plug the camera (Fuji S2) into my Quantum 1 battery. Then, no problems!
I'll be glad to join the chorus of complaints about Fuji battery life.

I have a F700 (spare U/W setup) and those little batteries don't last long if you are using a flash or display.

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