From the warm waters of SE Asia

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Hi and welcome from the UK. I will be visiting Singapore for ten days in December en route to PNG. Really looking forward to it.

Welcome from ARIZONA the all beach no ocean state :tree:

I found Sinagapore on a map once, nice island.

Welcome to ScubaBoard! You'll find a wealth of information here and maybe a few dive buddies too!!!

Glad to have you in the family of ScubaSource!

See you round the forum :)
Thresher... good to have you aboard.

I hope you'll come back often to post and have fun!
Thresher, welcome from NJ.
You're right "fantastic" is the way to describe this board.
You'll laugh and leard.
Good luck,
Thanx for the warm welcome guys! Glad to be on board. I'm looking forward to joining in the lively discussions, and to chatting with all of you.

Originally posted by Maggie
Hi and welcome from the UK. I will be visiting Singapore for ten days in December en route to PNG. Really looking forward to it.


Maggie, I hope you're not coming over to Singapore to dive, unless you're into "almost-zero-viz" diving :wink:
No - for a strictly land visit only - I've heard about the viz at this time of year in Singapore! Lots of diving in PNG though!

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