from the land down under

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Reaction score
West - Michigan
# of dives
1000 - 2499
Those creepin TSA jerks wrecked my wifes telephoto lens, we discovered it today when we went to the Skyrail and Tjapagai.
Weather is raining today, but we have afew more days before we board our liveaboard.
Dive Safe,
Could be worse - at least they lose all your gear!

question 1 did they leave a notice in your bag that the lens was in?

question 2 was the lens in a protective case or box ?

if i were you i would file a claim againist the airline or tsa for the damage to the lense and not to take any grief from them, because if they did an inspection of hte bag and damaged it they are liable (even if they say they arent, they are)

sorry that this happened to you

TSA (The Stupid Arrogance) agents

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