From the CNN newsdesk in Atlanta ....

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Hotlanta, GA
Greetings from Atlanta, Georgia!

I am a total newbie :huh: .... so new that I will be signing up for my OW classes tomorrow. But in the meantime I've had a great time reading posts on this board. Big thanks to all of you members who are sharing your knowledge :whack: with those of us are less experienced. :clapping:

I'm really looking forward to learning how to dive! I've been snorkelling a couple of times, but hear that it doesn't even come close to what it feels like under the waves.

I write software for a living :puter: so it's nice pick up a sport where I can travel to exotic vacation spots and see the sun once in a while.

I get the impression you like the little icon guys?

Welcome to the board, folks here try to be helpful although some of us occasionally have a less-than-perfect "poolside manner" :)

I wish you the best of luck with your class tomorrow. I just got certified in March, and already I am hooked on it.

Keep us posted on how everything goes. And if you ever have any questions..feel free to ask. I probably wouldn't be able to help since I'm a newbie myself, but I've already gotten some superb advice from others.

Happy and safe diving,

Welcome to the board, and to Diving. And as far as snorkeling vs. diving, you won't believe the difference!

Good luck in your OW class.

Originally posted by nicodaemos
Greetings from Atlanta, Georgia!

I'm really looking forward to learning how to dive! I've been snorkelling a couple of times, but hear that it doesn't even come close to what it feels like under the waves.

Welcome to the boards, and enjoy your OW!
Keep us all posted. There is nothing like seeing the face of a student breathing underwater for the first time! Share the joy with all of us.

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