So my trusty little Canon SD800is 7MP camera crapped out on me, on land. Lens stuck. Fortunately, I had a couple months to go on my Best Buy extended warranty, and they gave me a brand new comparable camera. I was about to toss my old housing as I don't have a camera to fit....and I thought, HEY, maybe a fellow diver could use it!! I don't want to make any money off it. Just pay for the freight and I'd be happy to ship it to you. One diver helping another.
This housing is in great shape. Lens with no scratches. I've got over 100 dives with it. The o-ring could stand to be replaced. I'm sure you can find one online. It slightly leaked once 6 months ago after I left it compressed in the housing for a month and then went into freezing cold water. But I started taking it out and storing it loose inside the housing to avoid flat spots, and no problem since. I really don't like the Canon o-rings, but oh well.
If you happen to have a Canon SD800is camera this makes a great beginner underwater setup. Or, I noticed that you can buy a used SD800is on for as little as $92.00. I am also throwing in the charger and two batteries I had for my SD800is. I figure anyone who can use the housing could put these to good use as well. PM me or reply to this thread. I hope someone can offer my housing a new happy home in the water where it belongs.....
This housing is in great shape. Lens with no scratches. I've got over 100 dives with it. The o-ring could stand to be replaced. I'm sure you can find one online. It slightly leaked once 6 months ago after I left it compressed in the housing for a month and then went into freezing cold water. But I started taking it out and storing it loose inside the housing to avoid flat spots, and no problem since. I really don't like the Canon o-rings, but oh well.
If you happen to have a Canon SD800is camera this makes a great beginner underwater setup. Or, I noticed that you can buy a used SD800is on for as little as $92.00. I am also throwing in the charger and two batteries I had for my SD800is. I figure anyone who can use the housing could put these to good use as well. PM me or reply to this thread. I hope someone can offer my housing a new happy home in the water where it belongs.....