free diving after chamber treatment?

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San Diego
are there any health risks to free diving after receiving a single stage 5 2 hour hyperbaric treatment for a suspected case of decompression sickness?
The treatment was received about 4 weeks ago? is there any rick to free diving to depths of only 50-60 feet? have found VERY little literature that discusses this topic. thanks in advance!
Hi tyguypb,

Based on recommendations for return to SCUBA following recompression treatment for a suspected case of DCS, it would appear safe for a diver to return to recreational free diving 4 weeks following the last chamber session providing that:

1. There are no problematic residual signs or symptoms from the suspected incident DCS.
2. The diver has no other medical conditions that contraindicate diving.
3. The diver feels physically and psychologically up for the activity.



This is educational only and does not constitute or imply a doctor-patient relationship. It is not medical advice to you or any other individual, and should not be construed as such.
Hello tyguypt :

If the DCS case was “suspected,” I will guess that it was not very severe. Severe DCS, as mentioned by Dr V. is bad if the problem persists. This indicates injury that has not yet healed.

Also, you do load nitrogen with free diving. It is not much but there is some and it can build if the dives are repeated.

Dr Deco :doctor:

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