I quit smoking in March 2002. No "patch", no gum, drugs, yada, yada, yada. I just wanted to stop, so I did. In the past when I tried to quit, I "tried" and as expected I failed. This time I didn't "try", I just made up my mind that I simply do not enjoy smoking and the effects of smoking, so I just quit.
The first 2 weeks seemed easy, then it got harder and harder for a while. The real test was when I stopped at a gas station to fill the truck, walked inside to pay for the fill, and there they were. Those colorful boxes of relaxation, those little after meal pleasures. Just then the attendant asked me one of the hardest questions I have ever heard while I stared at the rack of cigs. He said "will that be everything for you". WELL, let me tell you; in my head I was having an all out battle. On the one hand I was saying to myself "you've gone two weeks, just one pack won't hurt, and after that I'll go for 3 weeks without, and soon I won't want it anymore". But the other side of me was saying "nope, I've made a decision to quit, and I'm dammed well gonna quit". So I looked at the gas station attendant and said "yes that will be all". I paid for the gas fill and walked back to the truck. I felt like I had just saved the world, I had slain a dragon, I SAID NO, AND IT FELT GREAT. Whoo Hoo, I felt like celebrating. From that time on it was still tempting, but it got easier and easier, until now when I have absolutely no cravings at all. My brother will come over, we'll sit in the back yard, he'll light up a smoke, and I have absolutely no problem with the smell tempting me. I have quit, and it feels good.
All it takes a decision to quit, and enough will power to say no the first time. From then on it will get easier and you will feel much better.
Stick with it, your going to do it, all you have to do is want to.