The thing about this thread is it shows how little any of these forms have to do with safety.
The operator of the spree says - with a proud smirk - that the purpose of his form is to shift liability on to doctors. He does *not* use them, apparently, to make sure he takes appropriate action regarding the passengers' physical condition.
The spree waiver purports to relieve the spree of liability for it's own negligence-like if the captain happens to be drunk and turn on the engine while you're trying to get back on the boat, they want to make sure they don't have to pay a cent. Nice.
Those forms fortunately aren't enforceable in most places. I hope they're not enforceable in Florida either.
And you can see how the divers respond-by lying on the forms! (p.s.: if anyone over 40 clicks "no" on all of those lines, they're lying.)
The net result is that everyone is less safe.