Force Fin keepers?

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So I picked up a pair of FF to use as travel fins for an upcoming trip to Cayman Brac. I won't have a chance to dive them locally before the trip, but they fit well and I'm sure they will work just fine.

But I am wondering, do I need fin keepers? My fins have the nylon strap and buckle, no bungee. Is there really a problem with them coming off when used for boat diving? I can envision the straps loosening up but not the fins coming completely off.

Any advice or recommendations? Thanks
Original Force Fin
I find the bungee straps to be far more efficient. Well worth the upgrade, although I wish the attachments were more robust and easy to adjust. That said, I wouldn't want to use the nylon straps again.
I agree that the bungees are the way to go and I'll convert after my vacation trip. But no time to add bungee straps before the trip, which is why I'm wondering if I'll need fin keepers for now with the nylon straps.
Tech3324, we are just a half hour drive North and be happy to switch your Force Fins over to Bungee. As far as straps go, you know the story about Force Fins? For the first year of Production we left straps off since the Force Fins force themselves onto your foot. That is one good reason you do not "feel them", since they are working for you, rather than you working for them. I still like to challenge.Force Fin: Force Fin ChallengeBest, Bob
Thanks Bob. I'll call and get the fins switched to bungee. Good info on the Challenge, I'll give that a try in the pool today.
keepers are really for surf swimming where the waves could pull them off your feet. don't need them

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