Folks, it CAN be done! SeaCures DO fit Poseidon Odin/Jetstream 2nd stages!

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Good news, Jetstream fans! One of my LDS's managed to install some SeaCure II (Sport model-Blue colored) mouthpieces on 4 of my Jetstream 2nd stages. We had to remove the little yellow 'inserts' inside the mouthpieces, and admittedly it did take a fair amount of upper body/arm strength to slide/stretch them on, but they fit great, are comfortable, and with the 'inserts' gone the orfice is as wide open as the OEM Poseidon mouthpieces are, so airflow hasn't been compromised.

The SeaCure package at my LDS says that the model II "fits" Poseidon, but cautions that it can take considerable effort to install it.

Hello Rob,

I studied the SeaCure package long and hard to figure out which SeaCure 'version' would work.....SeaCure literature says use the "Professional SeaCure II"...there's also a "SeaCure II Sport" model........I bought both, and examined them side-by-side, and cannot tell the difference sizewise.

The store only carried the 'Sport' version ( I already had one Professional model in a box at home) but decided to buy a few of the 'Sport' versions after being told I could return them if they didn't fit (plus I have some Mares regs I could install them on anyway, so I'd keep them regardless).

We damaged the 1st Seacure, getting the hang of installing it (found out the yellow insert HAD to be removed) so my 'experiment' did cost me one sacrificial mouthpiece.

We used hot water to soften up the zip-tie end of the mouthpiece, and, yes, it did take a bit of carefully controlled muscle...luckily the owner of the LDS is rather powerfully built and was able to gently but firmly install all the rest of just has to be eased on, otherwise you may split it open.......fortunately, all the other 4 SeaCures went on just fine, after we found out how not to install it after damaging the very 1st SeaCure.....which I didn't end up using, chalking that one up to experience.

I'm pleasantly surprised at how well my little project turned out....well worth the effort....can't wait to dive them now! (had planned to dive them this weekend at the Flower Gardens off the TX coast, but that trip got blown out yet again...sigh.....gonna try that once more June 24th).


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