Here's the table I use:
"Max Alt/Min Delay, Sngl, Low Stress Dive/Min Delay, Mult/Deco Dives
1000'/None/None(low stress);6 hr(mod stress)
2000'/None/2 hr(low stress); 8 hr(mod stress)
4000'/8 hr/12 hr
6000'/12 hr/24 hr
Table Definitions:
Low Stress: A dive performed well within the no-decompression limits, without significant risks such as high exertion, extremes of temperature, extreme fatigue etc.
Moderate Stress: Any dive performed to the no-decompression limit, decompression diving or dives involving one of the known risk factors for DCS.
High Stress: Extreme dive profiles, missed decompression stops or multiple risk factors. High Stress = High Risk. No predictions are possible due to the inherent alterations in off-gassing."
However, you don't know how high the puddlejumper will fly, and I'm with roak that you can't count on it staying below 1,000.' Even if that's the pilot's intention, weather can such plans.
As with much else in scuba, you need to decide what level of risk you're willing to take.
Should be a very nice trip.