Flower Gardens - Feb 11th

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Rest in Peace
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Planes, Trains, & Automobiles
# of dives
200 - 499
The Feb 3rd trip got cancelled due to weather already. Gale force winds are expected this weekend. I'm rescheduled for the 11th trip. Because of the cancellation, my buddy can't attend on the 11th due to prior engagements. So, I'm heading to the boat buddyless.

Who's going on the 11th? Are there any buddyless divers going?


My Upcoming Dive Trips
01.28.06 - Valhalla ICBM Missle Silo (Cold war history in your logbook)
02.11.06 - Flower Gardens [Hammerhead Migration]
02.17.06 - Florida Dive Fest (Marvel's side yard, USS Spiegel Grove, USCG Duane, Bibb, Eagle & more)
02.25.06 - Rescue Class Open Water
03.10.06 - Puget Sound (Ski & Dive trip) {Tentative}
05.27.06 - NC Wreck Diving (U-352, Papoose, and Caribsea)
06.23.06 - NC Wreck Diving (City of Houston, Normannia, & John D Gill)
07.04.06 - Bonne Terre Mine (caverns, caverns, & more caverns) {preliminary planning}
10.13.06 - Catalina Island & Jazz Fest (...the California kelp)
You have any info on that Jazz fest in October. Sounds like it would be a great duel purpose trip.
I don't have any info on the jazz bit of it. We're just gonna take in some jazz on the surface interval in the evening. Our local dive club in Houston (CHUM) is planning a trip there to hit the kelp around Catalina Island. This particular trip is limited to card carrying CHUM members. You probably wouldn't want to join unless you were in Houston. However, there's nothing to say you couldn't meet us out there to dive.


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