Flamingo Beach, Costa Rica

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200 - 499

just wondering if anyone has been to the flamingo beach resort in cosat rica. im looking to go there around x-mas and would like to hear peoples opinions of it before i book.


We stayed there for a few nights in May. It was clean, not luxurious -- sort of U.S. motel chain standard. The breakfast was OK but I wouldn't recommend taking lunch or dinner there. Hotel has two pools, only one was operational, no one was ever in it except the families of the employees. There was cold water in the jacuzzis, but from our experience this seems to be typical in Latin America. No beach on the property; so-so beach within walking distance. Basically, it was fine for what we paid (= cheap!).

We dove with the on-site operator; no complaints about their staff or service. The diving conditions were terrible when we were there, with visability of less than 20 feet and a strong surge. And, beginning the third day, it rained torrentially and almost ceaselessly for the remainder of our trip. Sigh.

There is pretty much no place to go and nothing to do in Playa Flamingo, so definitely rent a car. The much larger town of Playa Tamarindo is only a few minutes away. We split our trip between the beach and the mountains (Arenal Volcano) which is something to consider, since Costa Rica has some many land-based attractions.
I have just seen from you're bio that you'll only be 18, perhaps too young to rent a car? I would recommend staying in Playa Tamarindo then -- tons of young people, many more bars and restaurants, lots more life!! (And also a big wide beach. It might not be quite as convenient for diving, more geared toward surfing, but diving is certainly possible from Tamarindo).

Happy birthday next week!
hi, thanks piglet fish, the way i phrased that wasnt the best. were goning on a family holiday but i just wrote it like that because it was easier to explain,

I'd recommend staying at Playa Ocotal...good hotel/beach and a good diving operator. diving conditions depend on what season you go..if you go at this time of season which is winter there you will get crappy diving..with very low visibility. the best time to dive there is from Feb. to May which are the best months for diving. Dec. is not bad, i've dove there in Dec. and it was pretty good viz.
I stayed in that general area back in june. didnt do any diving, just surfing, fishing, hiking, volcanos. You'll never run out of things to do there. Don't expect luxury hotels or food, if you want that go to cayman or something. I dont know anything about flamingo, all i know is that i had the time of my life in costa rica! I'll be returning in dec or jan for a dive-fish-surf trip, and I'm staying in playa del coco, you may wanna check that out.
Reel Crazy14:
I'm staying in playa del coco, you may wanna check that out.

Can you please post a trip report. I was looking at Playa del Coco for a 3 month stay and would love to get a diver's opinion. Do you know where you are staying already?

not sure yet but I'll let you know, which will be in a few weeks. I'm gonna be goin in dec/jan so I needa start planning!
we have booked into the bahia de los piratas (sp??) i cjecked out the website - it seems alright, but has anyone been there? i dont think there is diving on site so can anyone recommend a good local shop. also what are the conditions like in costa rica at that time of year - vis and temp?



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