Fish identification??

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Hi. I recently went on a few dives with my new camera on the Great Barrier Reef.

Upon return, I noticed an odd fish hiding in the coral that I don't remember seeing when taking the picture- I certainly would have investigated closer!! Can someone please take a look at the following link and tell me if you've ever seen such a fish and if so, what is it???

The fish I'm referring to is hiding in the pink coral. You can clearly see its green face and a polk a dot body peeking out from a hole in the coral.

It looks quite cartoonish- but I swear its real!
I don't see a mystery fish. It may be because the picture is so large. Can you maybe isolate the fish in question and repost it?
Sorry for not being more explicit- its in the far bottom right hand corner. I'd resize the photo, but it really shows best large. You should see it if you scan to the bottom and right. If not, I'll try isolating it later.
You mean right BESIDE the left side of the pink coral? If that's a fish, it's the funniest looking one I've ever seen! The 'eye' and gill plate are sort of in the right places but that green jawline doesn't look right...even for something like a frogfish or scorpionfish.

So I'm not even sure there's something there or what it could be if it is. Not much help, huh?
Hmm. thanks anyway! My reaction was that it couldnt be anything, but if its zoomed in on you can see a body behind it. It looks so much like an eye too that I have to believe its something, albeit EXTREMELY funny!

By the way, the camera was a c-750 with a pt-018 and I was very happy with its performance, except for difficulty seeing the LCD... chopped off a few really great shots!
Good! That's the first photos I've seen from the C-750. Is the LCD screen just no showing the whole frame? Bummer. Does your have the hood/shade?

I spent two days and 7 dives with my C-5050 for the first time this weekend. Most of the time I was in shallow water and I was very impressed with the hood/shade in the PT-015 housing. I haven't noticed any part of the picture being cut off.
If you mean the green thing: it looks like an encrusing hard coral to me. Hard to see what type, but it doesn't look like a fish to me.
I agree with Ron, looks like encrusting coral, no eyes just holes/

That's wierd. I think I just saw what you were looking at. the jaw is green, eye about an inch above the green area. Looks as though the whole fish is 8-9 times the size of the green area?

If that is what you were looking at it could be related to what we call a devil scorpion here in Hawaii, also related to titan scorpions. I've seen both of these fish in wierd colorations before, but never with such a bright section that was so far off from the rest of the body. The jaw is a funny shape compared to what I'm used to seeing here, but then Australia is thousands of miles away.

Well I am a diver wanna-be so I haven't seen much, but I would say it's a coral... If it's really a fish it looks very strange... kind of put a queery feeling on me...

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