Hello all,
I got to use my EFR training today, for the first time in real life. We, friends and I, took our kids to Ko'Olina today for some fun in the sun and it ended in a tragidity. We were just letting the air out of the floaties when a kid yelled "help". It wasn't a loud or very distressing call so we looked arounud to see if he was serious or not. It looked as though he was playing until we noticed a man swim to the floatie he was attached to. Well, the next thing we see this man swimming backwards with someone in his arms. I called 911 and told them to send an ambulance. The rescue swimmer was pulling an elderly man onto the shore and his face, fingers and feet were blue. At that time the 911 operator asked if he was unconscious-- Uh yeah and blue, send an ambulance to Ko'Olina Lagoon 4. Hung up on the operator and immediately checked vitals--none. I started chest compressions and another lady had a pocket mask and gave rescue breathes. There was a lot of white and greenish colored foam coming out of his nose and mouth. We rolled him several times to clear everything out. After 10 minutes of rescue cpr the color returned to his extremities. His eyes, unfortunately, were glossy and pupils were fixed and his pupils were fixed and dialated. He never blinked or became responsive. It took everything I had to not cry right then and there, but his wife was in shock and just standing watching us. He did get a strong pulse in his neck and blew snot bubbles from his nose, but no coughing or anything to strong for a good lung clearing. He continued to have the foam coming out of his nose and mouth for most of the time we tried to help him. The ambulance finally arrives and puts him on the bus. I looked for his wife so I could drive her to the hospital and she went running to her car from the ambulance, very panicky. I told her he would be okay then she told me he turned purple all over his body. The Fire Dept. gave her directions (she refused a ride) and she took off. The ambulance didn't leave for another 8minutes. Unfortunately when they left, they were not running code (no lights or sirens). I am not 100%, but I do not think he made it. They were here on vacation with their 3 young boys(15, 13 and 10). He was/is 65. It is still so much more emotionally stressful than I could have ever imagined. I think I broke one of his ribs from compressions. I felt a snap, but kept going anyways. Thanks for letting me tell my story and I hope nobody has to go through this.
I got to use my EFR training today, for the first time in real life. We, friends and I, took our kids to Ko'Olina today for some fun in the sun and it ended in a tragidity. We were just letting the air out of the floaties when a kid yelled "help". It wasn't a loud or very distressing call so we looked arounud to see if he was serious or not. It looked as though he was playing until we noticed a man swim to the floatie he was attached to. Well, the next thing we see this man swimming backwards with someone in his arms. I called 911 and told them to send an ambulance. The rescue swimmer was pulling an elderly man onto the shore and his face, fingers and feet were blue. At that time the 911 operator asked if he was unconscious-- Uh yeah and blue, send an ambulance to Ko'Olina Lagoon 4. Hung up on the operator and immediately checked vitals--none. I started chest compressions and another lady had a pocket mask and gave rescue breathes. There was a lot of white and greenish colored foam coming out of his nose and mouth. We rolled him several times to clear everything out. After 10 minutes of rescue cpr the color returned to his extremities. His eyes, unfortunately, were glossy and pupils were fixed and his pupils were fixed and dialated. He never blinked or became responsive. It took everything I had to not cry right then and there, but his wife was in shock and just standing watching us. He did get a strong pulse in his neck and blew snot bubbles from his nose, but no coughing or anything to strong for a good lung clearing. He continued to have the foam coming out of his nose and mouth for most of the time we tried to help him. The ambulance finally arrives and puts him on the bus. I looked for his wife so I could drive her to the hospital and she went running to her car from the ambulance, very panicky. I told her he would be okay then she told me he turned purple all over his body. The Fire Dept. gave her directions (she refused a ride) and she took off. The ambulance didn't leave for another 8minutes. Unfortunately when they left, they were not running code (no lights or sirens). I am not 100%, but I do not think he made it. They were here on vacation with their 3 young boys(15, 13 and 10). He was/is 65. It is still so much more emotionally stressful than I could have ever imagined. I think I broke one of his ribs from compressions. I felt a snap, but kept going anyways. Thanks for letting me tell my story and I hope nobody has to go through this.