We'll, no one else will answer you so I'll try. La Cieba has been purchased by El Cid and is being converted into time shares, so the last I looked there is/was construction going on.
It is a long walk into town, you might do it once in a while, but you won't do it often, especialy in and out.
There are three cruise ship piers, so lot's of opertunity to be near one. They tend to come in early and leave in the late afternoon. Middle of the week, there might be 12 or 13 in town at any one time. Might be none on a Sunday or few on a Saturday or Monday. If they leave late it might be at 8 or 9 in the evening. Tons of cab traffic on the street in front.
La Ceiba is close to the harbor where Allison, and most everybody else keeps their boat. Short cab to boat, longer to town. I have dove with Allison and I would give her 5 stars. If you are her only diver, she would pick you up. If she has five other divers, you might meet at the boat. If you stay south of the harbor, she would pick you up with the boat. How far north she might go to pick you up with the boat is between you and her. Nobody wants to go north and then turn around to go south.
Now, that I've given Allison 5 stars, and they are gold, I need to mention, you've talked about the Coral Princess. Lot's of people dive with Pepe out of the Coral Priness (near the golf course) and think that he is just fine. You've mentioned SCC. Lot's of people dive with the in house operation there and love it. In fact all of the places you have mentioned have good in house dive operations.
IMHO , you are right in the concern for the bored husband, so the next decision is how much money you want to leave with the cab union. Cab to town, cab to dinner, cab to dive, cab to entertain. WOW, lot of cab money.
adios don O