First time photos

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I finally got an Ikelite housing for my Olympus C-730 digicam. Here are a few of my first underwater shots... all were taken along the Northern ribbon reefs of the Great Barrier Reef. No strobe was used on any of the shots.
diver at lighthouse bommie
diver swimming through cavern
Very nice H3O. Does the 730 have the 10x zoom?
yeah, that was a major selling point for me... the 10x optical zoom.

i spent 5 days in sydney last month, i love that city... i'm relocating there in may =)
Love the silhouette shots! You don't need no steekin' strobe! :rofL:

I think that's the first photos I've seen from the C-730. Great!
yeah, that was a major selling point for me... the 10x optical zoom.
Someone was interested in buying the 750, which is very similar to the 730, on this board and wanted to know if it would be suitable to use UW. So how did you find it UW - I mean was the 10x a hindrance in any way? Did you try any macro with it? I mini-review please :).

i spent 5 days in sydney last month, i love that city... i'm relocating there in may
:shhhh: Shhh... we don't want to advertise this too much. Wow! Big move for 5 days in a city. Perhaps we can take you for a few dives when you get here... :wink:
ReyeR once bubbled...

Someone was interested in buying the 750, which is very similar to the 730, on this board and wanted to know if it would be suitable to use UW. So how did you find it UW - I mean was the 10x a hindrance in any way? Did you try any macro with it? I mini-review please :).

A UK Digital Photography mag reviewed it and they didn't like it, it only scored 5 or 6 out of 10.

They also reviewed the C40 and C50 and gave them the same score.

I will try and dig it out.
Reyer, yeah I had so much fun in Australia... I wish I had more time there though, 3 weeks was not enough. We did Cairns, the tropical north, Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sydney. (see my trip report in the Australia section) As for Sydney, I have to stay around a major city as far as getting a job in my field (graphic design).

I haven't had any problems shooting with the C-730 underwater, it is pretty sensitive to light so you can get great shots without a strobe in the shallower depths. If you're thinking of getting a C series, I would definitely get a 750 or the newer ones with higher megapixels. Contrary to what I read a lot before shooting underwater, the 10x zoom DID come in handy at times. I always read and heard that a zoom is useless underwater. As for the macro, I've had good experiences with it on land, and average results under water... it was probably me though, first time using the camera and housing underwater...

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