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100 - 199
Well, I tried my hand at underwater photography for the first time when we went to Roatan. I used an Olymput C-740 camera with a PT-018 housing. I was happy with the results, but I don't have anyting to compare it to becase this is my first try.

Here are some samples: ( I am not sure if the attachement will work.)
I am not sure if I can attach more than one file so a couple others will follow.
third picture
Before you post anymore pics, please resize them. On this 18" monitor I can only see about 20% of one at a time. It's hard to tell anything having to scroll all over the place.

The first is a Yellowtail Damsel, #2 is a Squirrelfish of some sort, and #3 didn't work either time.
Where did you get your housing? I understand that they are new and hard to find.
I got the housing from a place in Japan. The website is (you need to hit the "english" button on the bottom of the page...unless you know how to read Japanese)

The gentleman's name that helped me was Yuzo. He is very responsive to questions etc. It was 19,500 yen which translates to about $165. I odered some other stuff also (o-ring, grease, etc) and my total shipping came to about $30.00. I submitted my payment on July 3rd, he confirmed that he received it that day and shipped the package on July 4th. I had the package in my hands in Cleveland, Ohio on July 8th. I have had no problems with it and would use this company again.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

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