FAQ Finding & Tracking What Interests You

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Finding & Tracking What Interests You​

ScubaBoard's nearly 500 forums can be overwhelming. The trick is finding the information that interests you somewhere in our 570,000+ threads and 8.2+ million posts. Fortunately there are quite a few tools to make that easier.

Locating Forums of Interest​


If you are like most people, you discovered ScubaBoard through queries on search sites like Google and Bing. These small "snapshots" don't give you a sense of the number of forums or the range of subjects they cover. This image may give you a better sense of how large ScubaBoard Forums list is:

How will I ever find what I want in that giant list?​

Your Internet browser's Find function to the rescue!
  1. Click on the Forums tab to display the entire Forums list
  2. Open your Internet browser's Find window
  3. Enter a word or short phrase and it will find all the occurrences in the forum categories, forum titles, and the forum descriptions.


Keyboard Shortcut Keys for your Internet browser’s "Find" function
:FAQwindows: Microsoft Windows: Ctrl+F
:FAQapple: Apple Macs: Command+F​

What's New Views​

One of the most popular bookmarked pages on ScubaBoard is the What's New view of threads, which are sorted by the most recent reply. Several variations of this page are listed and are worth exploring.

As you look through these lists, notice the forum name the thread you find interested listed under the title.


Watched Threads & Forums​


You can mark threads and forums that you want to monitor by click the Watch button, which will pop the following window.

Mark how you want to notified and click the Watch button. Note that the Watch button above will change to an Unwatch button that you can use at anytime.




Alert icon with number of alerts and tooltip.

Depending our settings in your Preferences, Alerts are triggered when member:
  • Posts in a watched forum
  • Replies to a watched thread
  • Quotes your message
  • Mentions you in a message
  • Reacts to your message
  • Adds a new media item to a watched album or category
  • Mentions you in a media item description
  • Reacts to your media item
  • Gives you permission to view a personal album

Clicking on the Alerts icon will display a pulldown menu that lists up to 20. Clicking show all display a multipage list.


Search & Advanced Search​

:FAQnew: New in ScubaBoard 2021
OK, new might be a slight exaggeration but this new one is so much better it is worth taking a fresh look. The simple search is faster and more accurate due to a vastly superior indexing system, but the advanced search has a lot more search criteria. The Advanced search on the Search threads tab offers the most options:


  • Keywords: One or more keywords, may be limited to the title only
  • Posted by: One or more member's names
  • Newer than: Day, month, & year
  • Older than: Day, month, & year. Good for searching for older threads.
  • Minimum number of replies: Zero or greater. Useful for looking for threads with no response or threads with a significant number of replies.
  • Prefixes: Title prefixes, like FAQ or Trip Report
  • Search in forums: (Choose all or one or more forums)
  • Order by: Relevance, Date, or the most replies.


Sometimes you want revisit posts that you find useful and to copy links to share in other posts. ScubaBoard's Bookmarks and your Web Browser's Bookmarks are great tools for that.

News Feed​


You can see posts that members that you follow either posted or Reacted to by using your news feed.

You probably follow people with similar interests and that you respect, so you might find these the posts that they respond to useful.


Resources are new in ScubaBoard 2021 and has a lot of potential, but is just starting to get populated. IMO, well worth checking frequently.


The Best of ScubaBoard​

Also new in ScubaBoard 2021, we put this at the top of ScubaBoard Forums list to showcase our most useful and interesting threads.

Use Report to correct broken links, typos, or make suggestions.

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