Film for Malta

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Essex South England UK

I am borrowing a friends camera to take some shots in Malta next week. It is a 35mm camera. What film should I use. 200 or 400 or what ever. I am a total novice in this area so any help would be received with thanks. I will be doing the normal wreks and caves so it will be light and dark.


My personal favorite films include fuji Provia/F 100 slide, Fuji Reala 100 negative, tmax 100 b/w negative and scala-X 200 b/w slide. In the afternoon I will shoot it at 400 speed and tell the lab to do the push/pull thing. Be sure to mark the canisters the iso you used! If you are using scala-X it does take special development and not many places can develop it. If your in the states I would recomended DR-5. They do an excelent job and the results are far superior to the native scala processing.

My favorite film was always Fuji Reala ISO/ASA 100.

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