FF Pros or Extra Force Fin?

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Hi, are the longer Extra FF better than the Pro's even that they are made with the regular Polyurethane?
more efficient?
I ask since we know that the Pro are better (thrust) than Regular FF
Force Fin Prices

any reason to get the Extra over the Pro or vice versa?
see my post from years ago

the fact is they have many of the same design principles, but are actually quite different fins. if you are looking for your first pair of ForceFin start with the Pro's, the fact is simple they are awesome fins and all the fin you will ever need. At the end of the day the shorter fin is at least if not more efficient and is significantly more maneuverable. About the only time I dive the Extra's anymore is for free diving when long very powerful kicks with low heart rate, I haven't had a tank on my back with them in years.

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