Fernando de Noronha

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Hopefully off to Fernando de Noronha in April this year.

Does anyone have any recommendations for accomodation? I can't afford the lux stuff, just looking for a clean, priv bathroom place near to the dive schools which doesn't break the bank.

I've checked out the dive schools on the island who seem much of muchness. Any particular recommendations or tips for a 1 week stay on the island.

Thanks a lot

Hello Andrew

You should check out Atlantis website (http://www.atlantisnoronha.com.br). They have a Live Aboard so you could see if is worth it. Fernando de Noronha is an very expensive place for brazilians, but since you are a dollar man (3 reais almost 1 dollar) it won´t be that bad.

On this website http://www.noronha.com.br/english/pousadae.htm you will find a list of families that use their houses to host tourists. It should very interesting. Maybe they may not speak English but you will always gonna find someone who does.


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