Experienced offshore commercial diver seeks work back home in England

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eight of nine

Reaction score
La Jolla CA
# of dives
500 - 999
I am originally from England, I moved to the US about 8 years ago, I graduated from an ADC accredited dive school about 6 years ago. From here I went to work in the Gulf of Mexico, where I have worked as a surface supplied commercial diver to depths up to 200' mostly air with some gas experience. I also have experience supervising Sur DO2 dives up to 125'.
In addition to my offshore experience I also have some inland/coastal experience working on dams, and conducting ships husbandry on the Naval fleet in San Diego.
My question to anyone who has any knowledge or insight on the subject, what can I expect in terms of work and pay if I return to England and seek work there. How do I go about transfering my experience/qualifications into a format that will serve me outside the US, will there be any cost to myself. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

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