ever been bent

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Whistler, British Columbia, Canada
# of dives
I was reading another post about a hit.

anybody ever taken a hit or suspect that they have and wish to discuss it.
Sure. Diving air in the quarry to 132 feet. I was exhausted when I was at my SI. Is it clinically DCS? I don't know, but I suspect that it is.
I have felt lousy after some dives.

Deep stops that are to long are not good. The theory suggests and my own experience supports it that when doing deep stops like 100 ft you need to hit those run times.

This is also where I usually point out why it is so important to add depth and time to your profiles gradually. These things take practice and a litttle experimentation to find out what works. With luck if you go a little deeper/longer and you blow your deco you get a little bent. If you go a lot deeper/longer and blow your deco you get alot bent.

So, I think I have been a little bent.
No ive never been bent, i dive deep too(usually 150 ft), albeit with a computer.

DETROITDIVER, was that at gilboa quarry? Awesome quarry there.
detroit diver once bubbled...
Sure. Diving air in the quarry to 132 feet. I was exhausted when I was at my SI. Is it clinically DCS? I don't know, but I suspect that it is.

This was probably nitrogen loading not bubble formation
I've noticed that since I started coming up reeeeely slow from the 15-20 foot stop, I feel much less tired at the end of a day of diving.

I'm assuming that doing so has reduced or prevented sub-clinical DCS symptoms. It's also at least partly due to that I've gotten in somewhat better shape lately as well.
but keep it in my mind that there is a first time for everything so I try to not get careless.
Never had pain or neuro symptoms but have had extreme fatigue, lasting longer than it should, just general shi**y feeling. That's a mild form of DCS I think.

Post dive fatigue like a few have mentioned.

One time i thought was bent, but it turned out to be something else. I will look for it in the Navy book and paste it if i find it.


found it.

After a deco dive i began to get ichy in the chest. After i removed my suit UG ( so 15 min after i exeted the water) i noticed a red / purple ichy area on my chest. It did appear to get worse, more like a bruise but red also. I had extra O2 in the car so i breathed it until i got home ( no i wasnt driving). Felt a better but worried after reading this from the navy manual:

Cutaneous (Skin) Symptoms.

The most common skin manifestation of diving is itching. Itching by itself is generally transient and does not require recompression. Faint skin rashes may be present in conjunction with itching. These rashes also are transient and do not require recompression. Mottling or marbling of the skin, known as cutis marmorata (marbling), may precede a symptom of serious decompression sickness and shall be treated by recompression as Type II decompression sickness. This condition starts as intense itching, progresses to redness, and then gives way to a patchy, dark-bluish discoloration of the skin. The skin may feel thickened. In some cases the rash may be raised.

Called DAN explained what i was going through and i was told i had a serious suit squeaze, not DCS. It was going away slowly, but i still have doutes to this day, sounds way too much like the Navy book. What i had looked like textbook "marbling", the only way to describe it would be marbling. Instense iching ? yes, marbling ? yes redness ? yes

reading it again for the first time in 7 years i still think i was bent, not a seriuos squeaze.

I never been bent but, as others have stated, felt tired after diving. Since I started doing deep stops and longer 15' stops, that has not happened again.

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