Hey all,
Last saturday I recall on one dive having a bit of trouble clearing my left ear. Nothing major--just hovered/swam along 5 feet above the group for a few minutes until everything felt fine and then went on about my business. Went on to do more diving saturday and sunday with no issues. Best I can recall monday I felt normal, but on tuesday my left ear started itching a bit. Wednesday it itched worse and was hurting and by last night my jaw on the left side hurt as well. Did some searching here and on WebMD last night to verify that it sounded like a pretty stereotypical ear infection and called DAN this morning who also said it sounded pretty classically like an ear infection. I just got back from a doctor appt though and Doogie Howser said it's not an ear infection but Eustacian Tube Dysfunction caused by allergies (I never knew I had allergies?!?) and potentially triggered by the diving but most likely just coincidental. He perscribed Nasenex (sp?) a nasal spray which he said will help reduce swelling and clear everything up. I've taken todays dose and can't say I notice anything (though I realize it can take a few days for these things to set it), but I'm just generally looking for the input of folks on this board to see if this sounds consistent with other's experiences. Normally I'd be happy to give it time and see how things work out, but I'm super excited for my first great lakes dive trip in a week and a half and I don't want to blow it by neglecting or improperly treating a problem now. Thanks in advance! -leigh
Last saturday I recall on one dive having a bit of trouble clearing my left ear. Nothing major--just hovered/swam along 5 feet above the group for a few minutes until everything felt fine and then went on about my business. Went on to do more diving saturday and sunday with no issues. Best I can recall monday I felt normal, but on tuesday my left ear started itching a bit. Wednesday it itched worse and was hurting and by last night my jaw on the left side hurt as well. Did some searching here and on WebMD last night to verify that it sounded like a pretty stereotypical ear infection and called DAN this morning who also said it sounded pretty classically like an ear infection. I just got back from a doctor appt though and Doogie Howser said it's not an ear infection but Eustacian Tube Dysfunction caused by allergies (I never knew I had allergies?!?) and potentially triggered by the diving but most likely just coincidental. He perscribed Nasenex (sp?) a nasal spray which he said will help reduce swelling and clear everything up. I've taken todays dose and can't say I notice anything (though I realize it can take a few days for these things to set it), but I'm just generally looking for the input of folks on this board to see if this sounds consistent with other's experiences. Normally I'd be happy to give it time and see how things work out, but I'm super excited for my first great lakes dive trip in a week and a half and I don't want to blow it by neglecting or improperly treating a problem now. Thanks in advance! -leigh