Escape question...

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I purchased a used Escape, which was new in 2006. The bladder has bungee cords running through 2 loops on the outside of the bladder on each side. This is all well and good, except for the fact that it has the tendency to "wing" when deflated.

I've noticed that the bladder also has 2 nylon loops on the inside on each side, where the bladder attaches to the harness. My question is this:

Can I run the bungee alternately through the outside and inside loops to put some tension on the bladder to keep it from "winging?" I've tried doing this dry, and it seems to serve the purpose I'm looking for, but does doing this affect the performance of the bladder in any way?

I really dislike your user name, Vlad. For my sake, try to keep the questions a little more interesting, and if you're going to use second-rate gear, just keep it a secret. If you could inject a little subtle wit into your posts, I'd also appreciate that. It will make the inevitable confusion a litttle bit more tolerable.

Oh, almost forgot. A warm welcome to Scubaboard.:D
I really dislike your user name, Vlad. For my sake, try to keep the questions a little more interesting, and if you're going to use second-rate gear, just keep it a secret. If you could inject a little subtle wit into your posts, I'd also appreciate that. It will make the inevitable confusion a litttle bit more tolerable.

Oh, almost forgot. A warm welcome to Scubaboard.:D

:rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3: Be gentle.
Wow, Vladimir...

I had no clue that there was someone on this board that DIDN'T know how to spell :D

You are right - it was a mundane question regarding second rate gear...

I will try to do better next time and only pose questions concerning my Turbo Thruster fins and my Voit Metallic sea mask & snorkel combo...

Thanks for the welcome!!

Maybe I should change my username out of respect...
Thanks--not necessary though. This could work well for both of us. When somebody says, "that Vlad sure is a pain in the a55", we both know who to point to.:D
Thanks, Scott!

Vladimir - you're sure wouldn't be the fist time I've been called a pain in the a55...

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