Epl1 Macro in standard or WA port?

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west yorkshire, UK
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0 - 24
Hello to everyone, I've been searching through the various threads related to the Epl1 all evening, there a lot of info on here, I certainly have to thank everyone for what I've learnt so far tonight.
I'll have some questions (if I cant find the answers) on lighting later on but for now I'm focussing (no pun intended) on lenses and ports. I want to get a the wide angle and macro lenses, for the wide angle I undertsand the reasoning behind something like the zen port but for macro would the stock port work? Even better how would the Zen port for the WA work? From what I've read some people give the stock port the thumbs up and others dont rate it, can anyone offer some hands on experience? I'd prefer to be able to use just the one port for all aplications if this will not be too detrimental.
I have a new EPl2 that I have only gotten wet in the pool so far. I'll tell you what my plan is and I'm sure that Jack and Phil and the rest will tell us the real world. I have the 9-18 Oly with the Zen dome port.....amazing! I suspect that will be what I fall in love with underwater. Perfect for WA work. I have played with the 14-42 in the dome and it works pretty well from what I can see. If you know you are going on a "pure macro" dive then the stock port with the 14-42 will be good because the flat port gets you more magnification. It also offers the option of using an Inon 165 (with an adaptor) for even more close up action. Now, if I could just try this out in the real world!
Thanks jghflash, as I'm trying to get both onshore and underwater set ups together I'll be buying the 9-18 as well as the 45mm macro. Seeing as Zen do domes for both it all has the potential to get out of hand, this is meant to be light and easy to travel with! If the macro works with the flat port then I've just saved a few hundred pounds, I take it that the 9-18 dome wouldnt work with macro? This is all pretty new to me so if I'm asking the bloody obvious please feel free to let me know (whilst explaining why!). I cant wait to get out with the camera, I want to get it right before setting out across the world on our summer hols.
Thanks Phil, that pretty much covers it,
Looks like the best option is for oly 9-18 and 14-42 in the WA dome and pana 45 macro in the macro dome then, never the cheap answer is it!

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