Envoy Deluxe question

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Washington, DC, USA
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200 - 499
I just went on my first dive trip with a new Envoy Deluxe reg, and I really liked it. However, on the surface it buzzed like a kazoo whenever I exhaled. Is this normal for this reg? Can I do anything to make it stop, or will it stop on its own with use?

Thanks in advance for your responses.
Have you had it underwater yet? My DSV hums pretty good when I breathe it dry, but as soon as it's in 6 inches of water it becomes smooth as silk.
Yep, as soon as it was under water it was great. I'd just like to get rid of the out-of-water buzz.

I experienced that buzzing when I de-tuned my Envoy secondary. I'd gone a quarter turn to keep it from freeflowing, and I got a bad exhalation buzz. I brought it back half the distance I turned the adjustment screw, and the buzz was gone, and so was the freeflow.
I'd just like to get rid of the out-of-water buzz.

Is this really a problem? Honestly... How much do you need to breathe off your reg when you're out of the water?

Is this really a problem? Honestly... How much do you need to breathe off your reg when you're out of the water?


I'd be concerned. It's certainly not designed to buzz at the surface. Why not get it adjusted to factory spec?
I experienced that buzzing when I de-tuned my Envoy secondary. I'd gone a quarter turn to keep it from freeflowing, and I got a bad exhalation buzz. I brought it back half the distance I turned the adjustment screw, and the buzz was gone, and so was the freeflow.

Thanks. Are you referring to the external adjustment knob? I tried turning that both all the way clockwise and all the way counterclockwise and the buzz seemed the same.
Thanks. Are you referring to the external adjustment knob? I tried turning that both all the way clockwise and all the way counterclockwise and the buzz seemed the same.

No, the adjustment hex-screw inside the hole where the LP hose attaches. If you open it up to adjust it, clockwise is de-tuning, and only turn it a TINY bit at a time, then reconnect the LP hose and test. Probably going to take a few tries to get it dialed in.
Buzzing second stages out of the water is an age old occurrence. It is intermittent with Zeagle and many other regulators. It's nothing to be concerned about.

The diaphragm is acting like a drum head when you breathe at a certain volume, creating the harmonic buzzing. Once submerged the water pressure stops the extra vibration completely.

If it bothers you, you can breathe more slowly, a good idea anyway, and it usually stops it, because that changes the flow rate. With a slight internal or extrenal adjustment you might also change or stop it.

I really couldn't care less.

FL Zeagle Rep.
Buzzing second stages out of the water is an age old occurrence

Agreed. Every regulator I've ever owned would buzz. Sames goes for most of the regulators I see from the other people on the boat. There is no reason to take the reg in and adjust anything. None of this has anything whatsoever to do with what a regulator is "designed to do."

It's designed to keep air coming to you while you're UNDER the water.


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