El Salvador dive industry

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Scuba Instructor
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Lake Worth, Florida
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
Ok so I've been wondering: I'm at a time in my life where I'm desperately (might be an exaggeration) looking for a job overseas. And I was wondering since my mom brought it up to me. How's the dive industry in El Salvador?

I wonder because my mother's side of the family is from there. I know the place very well. Except I've never been diving there (for some odd reason). I know there are quite a bit of divers as I've seen them in ilopango and coatapeque. So if there are diving in those lakes there must be good diving off shore. I know ES is a big surf destination. And online I see a handful of dive ops. I'm wondering as my mom is most likely to be heading over there over the summer, so I'll probably join her seeing as how it's on her bill :)

Keep in mind I speak both english and spanish. And my "trade" (if that's what you want to call it) is new media art. I have a lot of experience with advertising (print, web, television, etc). I have plenty of dive experience. University Educated. All are aspects that I think could help me land a job in a growing new tourist destination such as ES.

I am certain on some things: Money is definitely not the issue (one of the reasons why I'm having a hard time living in this country). I know I want to work in the dive industry. I'm working on instructor cert now. I know I like making videos underwater. I know eventually I'd like to be an u/w videographer making documentaries and such (National Geo here I come!).

I am just so uncertain on the best way to get there.

Any pros out there have advice?
At age 22, sounds like you're still living with mom. Since you're serious about working in the dive industry you may wish to work in the industry while working on your "instructors". You need to build you resume as a professional. Being bilingual is a plus. What do you have to offer the dive industry? That's the question and that's what potential employers seek. MHO

Sounds good... I'm hoping that my experience and education in media and advertising will be a big plus. I feel that the best way for these places to advertise is through the internet and sites like these after all.

Definitely looking to work while getting instructor's as well. Being in Florida you'd think it'd be a tad bit easier. heh.

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