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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Louisville, Kentucky
# of dives
200 - 499
I am trying to figure out, how to get the "solo diver" out from under screen name. I have looked through all the options under editing my profile but can't seem to find where to change this.

Thanks for anyone help.


Gotta change your display group... :)


Similar to this.
Under User Control Panel (User CP) / Group Memberships (under Networking). At the bottom, in the section entitled "You may choose to be identified as a member of the following groups" you've probably got "Solo Diver" selected in the right hand column. Change to Registered (as in Registered ScubaBoard member) to get the standard user labels (i.e. "New Member", "Junior Member", etc.). Or to be able to set a custom label, become a Supporting Member.
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Thank you so much. I have requested to join another group so I didn't have to be a "new member." BTW I will check into becoming a supporting member.

Joe velie
Not bad, you gave a quick solution and gained a supporter! What kind of pushed me over the edge to become a supporter is the Dive-xtras forum you have setup for us! Thank so much again for the great forum and all the hard work that goes into running one of these!

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