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Web Monkey

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What happened to the "Edit Post" button?

I used to be able to go back and fix typos, but now the button is gone.

Per my experience, it goes away after a certain amount of time.
About a week AFAIK
silly me:
I have one. But it will probably go away in a bit. I just used it to edit this post. :D
Hi there Silly Me, if you go over to the introduction forum we'll give you in true Scubaboard fashion a big warm welcome. :dazzler1:
El Orans:
About a week AFAIK

It was only a couple of minutes.

I'll see if edit works here.


Hmm. It's back.

Oh well.

Nevermind :cool:
I noticed yesterday that I couldn't edit a post made 30 min or so before. Maybe it doesn't work in certain forums?
[edit] Hopefully a mod can jump in here.

oooh, and typing < edit > (without the spaces) doesn't appear. See here: <edit> <----- I typed it there, but it doesn't appear in my post. Maybe I should brush up on html or something.
You get an hour to edit your posts. It is too tempting for some to go back and edit or delete the contents of your posts. Especially when their oopsies hits the fan!!! :D

Never post in anger. Never post a lie. Never post anything that has the potential to embarass you. Learn to apologise when you are found to be wrong or if you say something stupid. Ignorance is curable, stupidity is just plain lethal. :D

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