I typically use my Edge for Video in low light conditions (40 - 50 meters in Italian sea) with red filter and lights on, no diving mode.
As because of a minor injury I will not able to dive in the next few weeks, I was wondering what results do you think I can expect trying this settings:
1) locking Iso to 100 for reducing grain
2) recovering a bit of light lost (due to red filter and Iso) by acting on the Ev setting (+0.3 or +0.7 for example) ?
Any opinion and experience is appreciated

I typically use my Edge for Video in low light conditions (40 - 50 meters in Italian sea) with red filter and lights on, no diving mode.
As because of a minor injury I will not able to dive in the next few weeks, I was wondering what results do you think I can expect trying this settings:
1) locking Iso to 100 for reducing grain
2) recovering a bit of light lost (due to red filter and Iso) by acting on the Ev setting (+0.3 or +0.7 for example) ?
Any opinion and experience is appreciated