Ear trouble

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South Africa
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0 - 24
Hi there

My girlfriend and I have recently started diving and the concern I have is directed at someone who is rather well informed about ENT issues (A physician who dives - ideally). We have been struggling with it for some time now and have tried a number of different potential solutions. Please be patient with me, it is a rather long story...

When we started diving my girlfriend was using a variety of equalization techniques (Including valsalva) but wasn't using enough pressure to equalize correctly. It's important to note that our instructor is very concerned about the possibility of injury and followed all of the recommended best practices including equalizing before beginning the descent, descending really slowly, allowing water to fill the ear cavity, and multiple variations on equalizing all the way down (5meters/15 feet maximum). The result, however, was that she experienced pain and, upon investigation by an ENT specialist, there had been some bleeding (No signs externally). There were no other signs of damage, and no blockages. Also, she used to use earbuds (Which we got her to stop altogether before starting diving). She had to abort the dive.

Since then we have gone diving twice. The first time she could successfully go down twice - with no pain or discomfort, thereafter not again and the second she could not go down at all. As both these dives were within two weeks of the initial discomfort could it be that the damage had not yet healed?

Secondly, we have given her ears a chance to rest/recover (Around three/four weeks) and have been considering some possibilities to reduce the strain on her ears. These include Proplugs, a hoody and sinus medicine. These are the only things I can think of. We are rather concerned that she may not be able to dive. Any suggestions?
When I first started diving, I could not clear. Try as I might, using every technique I could find, I could not clear. I tried decongestents but still no luck. I went to my non-diving ent and he was useless. Finally, I contacted DAN. They directed me to an ent who knew diving. He checked me out. Told me I was fine, and told me to use Afrin for a couple days before I dove. UNBELIEVABLE!! The next time I tried diving I was able to clear and have never had a problem since.
Thanks for the advice... I appreciate it.

As it turns out, the ENT specialist my girlfriend went to is an avid scuba diver and pilot. I guess he was looking for obstructions and damage to the eardrum as that was what he was asked to do.

We'll have a look at Afrin...
You may also want to examine the diet and try to eliminate foods that cause mucus build up, including dairy and even bananas. You may even want to try the yoga technique of using a neti pot to flush the sinuses before the dive. This would help eliminate some potential issues, e.g., sinus blockages, mucus build up.

I'm guessing she's a non smoker?

I'm not a physician, but just a diver with 7 years diving and the above are things I have tried myself in the past.

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