E-pl5 review/findings/samples

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I used the board (and calling the shops a few times...) for 3 months before my 5 week (Lembeh, Palau, Dauin) trip to research the right setup.

In the end I went with:
nauticam e-pl3 housing converted for the 5 (thanks Reef Photo)
2 ys-d1 strobes

For lenses:
60mm Macro and 8mm pana. fish eye.

Wow! Coming from an e-pl1 I saw a big improvement. The AF is lighting fast compared to the e-pl1 and the IQ is very impressive. I also think the Nauticam housing was worth it in the long run.

Despite the urge to shoot at high F stops (f16-22) found the 60mm macro lens to have much better IQ at f stops between f8-13. While I could not get the deep black I found the trade off worth it especially if you wanted full frame pics. Overall the 60mm lens is stunning

The 8mm wide angle is a cool and neat lens. However it took me 10+ dives to get the hang of it. you do have to be super close to a subject to get any decent photos. For wide shots you also have to really work the stobes. Also if the vis has to be good-great for decent shots. I am glad I bought it but some dives I wish I had bought the 9-18mm instead. However for shooting mantas, people, and whale sharks this is THE lens.

In the end:
This is my first time with a higher end setup and I found it worth every penny. I do wish I had more controls in the long run and maybe a few finder. I guess I have caught the bug and maybe need to upgrade to the e-m1?

Here are some of my pics, love to hear your feed back:

8mm shots:



very nice
Thanks, yes, 60mm port and the 4.33 dome port. Here is a better res shot from blue corner. The shark was about 1.5ft away from me....

Fantastic Shots. I purchased the Olympus EPL6+ OEM Housing PT-10 Combo last weekend. I am curious as to why you went with the Nauticam Housing over the OEM. I am starting off with a Single UFL-1 Strobe for less than 10 Deep Feet Reef Shots In Okinawa to Gauge where to go with Lenses and Stobe packages for the future.

Any Specific Menu function settings you recommend?
Incredible shoots, very sharp and well taken. Did you use additional wet lens for the Goby?

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