Dumagete non diving hotel

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A Bajo

ScubaBoard Supporter
ScubaBoard Supporter
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New York
# of dives
100 - 199
I am going to Dumagete Feb 2025 and will stay an extra few days before returning to Manila. I may take those days to enjoy the city and it looks like they have an excellent pool and track that I'd like to use. Any advice on where to stay? I was also thinking maybe going to a cheaper dive place so if I want a couple of more dives I could do it and then just get a ride to the city.
There is not much to do in the actual city of Dumaguete other then walk around, go to the market and just take in the Philippine urban lifestyle (and breath in a lot of vehicle smoke :). You can take a stroll on the promenade, a selfie at the Dumaguete sign, then maybe lunch at one of the cafes. That'll eat up about 1/2 a day. (Unless you want to go to the mall)

Your plan B (IMHO) is a better plan. Liquid Dauin is a great little resort right on the water and is inexpensive. ($50 - $60) a night range. It is very chill. The owners are onsite and awesome folks. You can take a day trip into the city. This is what I do each trip. You can just walk from the resort, to the main road and catch a trike or jeepney into town and have them drop you off at the promenade.

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