DSV versus Flathead VI

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Reaction score
Brantford, Ontario
# of dives
200 - 499
I posted this in the regulators section, but so far have got no response, so I figured I'd try in here where there are some more Zeagle users.


I currently have a DSV on the right post of my doubles, and an Oceanic on the left. I had been planning all along to buy another DSV this spring to match them up, but my shop that I'm doing my DM course with informed me of a great deal on Zeagles, putting a pair of Flatheads in my affordability range (assuming I eat macaroni and cheese for a few weeks, which I may have done anyway :D). My question is can anyone compare these head to head, first off in performance, I know the DSV is nice, I've had it under ice a couple times, and beyond 100 feet dozens of times. But also in little things like hose routing, since whichever pair of Zeagles I go with will be dedicated doubles regs.

Well I just pulled the trigger and ordered 2 Flathead VI's. The price difference between the two was so close, it didn't make much sense not to bump up to the big boys. I'll likely be moving my DSV to a stage reg, which raises the question to ScottZeagle, what is the part number for an O2 clean rebuild kit?
Congrats on your new regs! Your DSV will make a fine stage reg too.
Sorry, I don't know the price off hand. But any dealer can call customer service for the that information. They've got it all on their computer.

FL Rep
Thanks Chad, I look forward to getting them and trying them out. I won't be getting them for a little while yet, just in time to do a dive or two on them before ice diving season rears it's ugly head. Can't wait!! I've heard the Flatheads are nicer for hose routing on doubles, any comments on that?

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