Do I need to describe the noise the pager makes?

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Gary D.

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Post Falls, Idaho
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I'm a Fish!
The pager reads: “CAR IN THE WATER HONEYSUCKLE BEACH 2:34AM 07/29/06”.


Did I even have to say what lake it was in? For you old floks, like me, it was Hayden again.

Well, I just found out what happened because like a big majority of this country, we have a fan blowing in the bedroom and I didn’t hear the pager.

So the Readers Digest version.

Idiot gets drunk, gets into car, drives down the boat ramp, parks in the lake, gets a bath and swims to shore. More later.

I don’t know who responded yet or who did what but I’m betting on the FNG’s getting wet. :D

I’m just glad it wasn’t another fatal or two or three or four which is our record at that ramp.

Here is the repeat sat pic of the ramp, like you haven't seen it before.

You folks on the slower teams want to come and play?

Gary D.

Allright Gary.... Only because U complain that I only read and don't contribute to this thread, I'll give you the 4-1-1... (yes folks, I am on KCSD's 'multi-jurisidictional' Dive Rescue Team (the multi-jurisidicational is a good PR plug for the fire guy)

I was on-duty when this call was aired.. and fortunately I happened to be in the area when it came out.. It took 3 minutes and killing a set of brakes before I arrived at the boat launch.. I was the only member of the team on-duty at the time.. I actually went to the dock and confirmed (yes, some people have reported things that weren't actually real :D ) there was a vehicle in the water with its' headlights still on..

From time on-scene to time in the water took just about 10 minutes... No where near acceptable (my last dive at this location took 5-6 minutes from arrival to h20), however, I was pacing myself knowing my backup diver's ETA to the scene... I have dove this particular launch for the same reason on at least one prior occasion ( I removed Charlie Buckingham on my own, then assisted another diver with Rebecca Greely... The events of that night are still 'fresh' - concentration is not 100% - so I know when its best to not play john wayne....

Anyways... one of the 'FNGs' (Gary, can I be one again?) arrives and we both enter in.. Depth of the vehicle is at 10-11 feet... As we're clearing the vehicle/surrounding area I noted the back window had been smashed out and there several pieces of clothing/paperwork thrown about the bottom.. That, with somewhat crapy visibility makes it a tad bit harder to locate a body in 'rescue' mode.. I will thank the fire-guys for breaking it out prior to my entry l8tr.. :light:

In the end, we discover the driverside window is down, and there are a set of wet footprints on the dock and fleeing the scene.. Fellow patrol guys locate a 'wet' male with no shoes about 1/2 - 3/4 mile away.. He made good time! He is not so cooperative about the events but is adamant a 2nd person (the vehicle owner) escaped...

4 hours l8tr... 2nd person awakes - apparently passed out in the bushes? - and goes to a neighboring house, asking for a ride home.. Seems he'd been drinking 'way too much' and doesn't remember any of the events, let alone how he got out of the vehicle... A nice seatbelt mark confirms he was the passenger and belted in at the time of impact.. apparently the dive fairy saved another one! He was not very impressed when I explained to him his vehicle had driven into its last boat launch, or that the driverside door somehow got bent sideways (Its a neat picture) and now looks like a jet fighter wing... Another deputy took a photo of him 'giving me the eye'.. Its priceless!

All in all, a successful & safe operation.. The 'FNG' did pretty well... didn't panic and took his time wrestling with the chains on the axle for the tow company.. With that, I will say I was there once too and know that a 'recovery' changes things forever...

Oh.. and BTW, if you're curious about my name, I'll let Gary explain that one.. :eyebrow:

Allright Gary.... Only because U complain that I only read and don't contribute to this thread, I'll give you the 4-1-1... (yes folks, I am on KCSD's 'multi-jurisidictional' Dive Rescue Team (the multi-jurisidicational is a good PR plug for the fire guy)

It's about time! :D

I have dove this particular launch for the same reason on at least one prior occasion ( I removed Charlie Buckingham on my own, then assisted another diver with Rebecca Greely... The events of that night are still 'fresh' - concentration is not 100% - so I know when its best to not play john wayne....

Ya did good and John Wayne has no place in PSD! :wink:

All in all, a successful & safe operation.. The 'FNG' did pretty well... didn't panic and took his time wrestling with the chains on the axle for the tow company.. With that, I will say I was there once too and know that a 'recovery' changes things forever...

This is what we try and get through to new PSD's or thinking about it.

Oh.. and BTW, if you're curious about my name, I'll let Gary explain that one.. :eyebrow:

For being a rather new diver S-S has been on a few of our very tough rescue/recoveries. He seems to make it to almost all the calls and get wet. I'm proud of him, as I am the rest of the team for getting there, THINKING and then acting.

Good job!

Gary D.
KCSDMJDRT Thats a tough one to spit out for a fireman. It's KCDRT for real but the press decided to change it an article or two ago.

I think we should chang it to something our token fireman can understand better. Like; Fast Attack Rescue Team or F.A.R.T. for short. He always has gas and it isn't a 21/79 mix either. :D

He a lurker like Scuba-Shrek was so maybe this will bring him out of the woodwork and get him to post something. :mooner:

Gary D.

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