DM in Phuket

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
San Miguel de Cozumel, Q.Roo, Mexico
# of dives
5000 - ∞
Hi all,

First, yes I've done a lot of searching, and why I think I've narrowed it down as far as I have.

Looking to depart the Midwest winter by October and head to Thailand and complete a DM program - possibly even a OWSI while I'm there. Therefore I'm looking for direct experiences in both the Phucket area and with Thailand Divers.

Briefly about me... Chicago born and raised. Have logged over 200 dives now between Jamiaca, Florida Keys, Cozumel, Roatan (twice), Bonaire, and Utila (twice). For the most part I have nothing holding me back from "seeing the world" and thus I'm looking to do it as a scuba instructor. I did my Rescue cert in Utila and could easily go back there for my DM and OWSI, but I'm also entertaining the thoughts of going away from the Caribbean. As you can see I've done a fair amount of diving, but all existing in the Caribbean.

Some insight into the Phucket area would be appreciated.

Thanks -
Best to visit. Dive a bit and chat with the local shops to make sure you make an informed decision. Perhaps narrow it down to a few and plan to visit those shops. Thailand has many choices. You may want to complete your DM and then work through most of the high season before going on to OWSI. This will certainly be the best approach IMO. Your coming into this with a good range of dives.

Good luck,
I aggree with Arizona, you should stay and dive for awhile before deciding if Phuket is the right place to complete your courses. Maybe even dive with a company before you let them know you want to give them a lot of money to see what they are like.

Phuket offers great diving but Patong does not really have that laid back small island feel. It depends what you are looking for.

Thailand Divers are right in the heart of Patong and have their own daytrip boat.

You may find it difficult to get a work permit if you are not an instructor.
You may find it difficult to get a work permit if you are not an instructor.
And how to get a work permit if you are an instructor? As far as I know, in Thailand you make some sort of paper work to "establish" a company then pay a monthly fee for the tax authorities. Is there any other way to obtain a work permit?
Arizona has good advice. I stayed in Phuket for quite some time before deciding who I wanted to do a DM course with. I was able to visit several different shops and dive on various boats before I made a final decision. If you have the time/resources, this is your best bet to find the instructor/diveop best for you.

Thailand Divers is one of the few I was unable to take a day trip with. Sorry I can't provide any insight there. Even if you choose a shop in Patong, you can easily live outside of the touristy area and just take a motorbike in every morning. :D
Very good advice from Arizona. Also do not book in advance and pay up front before meeting the operators. When you come here go around to the various centers and meet the staff and Instructors and see how they operate. This way you will see which dive center suits you the best.

Hope you have a great course.

Different shops have different atmospheres of course. You have enough dives to determine what type of shop you want be affiliated with. If you can find a place with a variety of dive options such as beach, longtail and the bigger boats that would be very useful. If a shop has instructors that stay on for more then a few years that is also a very positive indicator IMO.

Best of luck,
Thanks for the advice!

I think I will do what you have indicated, Arizona. In the meantime I think I'm going to pester most the shops in the area with questions so I'm pre-armed upon my arrival.

Interesting comments regarding getting the DM then working through the high season. That is something that had not even occured to me, but now that you mention it does make a lot of sense. What are the chances of a shop actually needing a newly cert'd DM for work?

In regards to OnTheSpot, I'm not overly concerned about the "laid back island feel," however, I guess I will need to research the atmosphere of Patong a bit more. If you have personal expereince with the area I'd be more than interested in hearing your account.
Some shops like to hire their DMTs for obvious reasons. No guarantees but if you are sharp and a good fit it may be possible. This may be a question to ask would be shops to train with. At the very least, once local a referral to another shop for work may be possible. The added experience of guiding divers and assisting other instructors will really improve your knowledge base and certainly better prepare to become an instructor rather than just rushing through things IMO. You may find that being a full time instructor is not really what you want to do, but this will certainly extend your training while making a bit of money towards your IDC. More diving in the tropics :)
I think you either love or hate Patong maybe depending on what you are expecting. I also believe you have to spend some time here to see if it suits you.

It offers just about all amenities like cinema, major shopping centres, bars and more bars and a beach. There is also a lot of dive shops to choose from offering a variety of Similan liveaboards and daytrips with excellent diving and lots of divers.

Agree that guiding experience is invaluable but you may have trouble finding paid (legal) work without your instructors card.

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