DM course and paragliding in Central America?

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Reaction score
Yukon, Canada
# of dives
50 - 99
Hey there!

I want to spend 3 weeks at Christmastime getting my Divemaster cert in Mexico/Central America. I know it's a short time frame, but I'm hoping to do an accelerated program.

I'm considering the Bay Islands, CR, Cozumel, Belize.

My bf will join me, however he's more interested in paragliding.

Ideally I would like to find a reputable dive station who could accommodate my time limitations with great diving (in terms of marine life and vis). Locations relatively close to paragliding sites would be great too. Hope I'm not asking too much.

Thanks in advance!
I just did my DM training in last July in Costa Rica with Deep Blue Diving, Playas del Coco. Oliver the owner is a wonderful mentor and friend. You will learn more than you could ever imagine. He has something like 4000 logged dives and is just a wealth of information. I'm sure he would be able to do an accelerated course for you I would just make sure to communicate with him before you went down there. His email address is The dive shop is great, the diving is great, and the staff is nothing short of wonderful people. Hope this helps, take care and good luck.

make sure to study up before you get there, you wont have time to get it in while there


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