Diving Panama

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Can Anyone reccomend a place to dive in Panama. I will be there end june/early July, and I would like to go somewhere there is a good mix of macro and megafauna.

I was 3 times in Santa Catalina to dive around Isla Coiba.
You will find there more, much more to see that you expect!
I dove always with Glen and Julie from Coiba Dive Center and i was always happy with them.
If you have time and like a great adventure do the 3 day dive trip to the islands outside of Coiba with accomodation on Coiba Island.

Chris Karrer
Can Anyone reccomend a place to dive in Panama. I will be there end june/early July, and I would like to go somewhere there is a good mix of macro and megafauna.


Dove with Boca Water Sports in Bocas Del Toros in December. Quality dive operation and the best macro photography in the Caribbean, bar none. Megafauna, not so great, but some pretty good underwater topography. Neat town with plenty of topside attractions, accommodations, good restaurants and plenty of character.

Jon and Stacie at BWS will take good care of you.

Dove with Boca Water Sports in Bocas Del Toros in December. Quality dive operation and the best macro photography in the Caribbean, bar none. Megafauna, not so great, but some pretty good underwater topography. Neat town with plenty of topside attractions, accommodations, good restaurants and plenty of character.

Jon and Stacie at BWS will take good care of you.


Thanks Mike for the nice plug. Anyone wanting info on diving Bocas del Toro is welcome to PM me and I will be glad to provide info on diving, accommodations, restaurants, etc.

We are going on a exploratory dive adventure on the MV Yemaya liveaboard to dive Coiba in May with Coiba Dive Expeditions.
Though it is known mainly for Pelagic encounters we have been told ther is some Macro opportunities as well for seahorses and others.
We will give a report when we get back:D
Hi guys - you should checkout todays posting of a couple just back from Panama - sounds interesting and places you might want to look at while you are there.

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