Diving master course

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I am an advanced diver with only 35 dives, I just have a couple of questions to ask:
1. I want to apply for the diving master course in Belize. I am just wondering if I took the Rescue diver, first aid course and the diving master course, which dive shop would you guys suggest? and around what price are the three courses altogether?

2. Normally, it would take around 4-5 weeks for the diving courses as told by some dive shops. Are there any budget accomodation for 2 people?

Thanks very much!!
Try Splash Dive Center in Placencia. Great instructors. I took my Rescue Course and a few other certs through them a couple of years ago. Learned a lot and had a blast.

As far as the first aid course, do that at home through your LDS. It's pretty basic stuff and that way you won't have to spend any paradise time on it. In addition to the First Aid course, I recommend DAN's oxygen administration class so you can be more familiar with the equipment.

At only 35 dives, you're going to be cutting it close just to make the minimum number of dives for a Dive Master.
A few points. It's way too early for you to think of becoming a Divemaster (if that's what you mean - there is also the Master Scuba Diver rating). If you study what the responsibilities of a DM are, you'll see that you need several hundred dives to be able to discharge them.

Secondly the DM course is best covered in an internship over several months, which you should do with a local dive centre near your home. The ideal is in a club environment where you learn a great deal from your peers.

Thirdly, there are a few shops here that will do a short DM course for you. I don't recommend it, but no doubt they will post here to advertise their wares. The least time I think the DM course should take is around a month at a busy centre, starting after you have done both the Rescue Diver and First Aid courses. At a less busy centre it should take longer - you need to be exposed to as many real-time scenarios and problems as possible. I also require (this isn't a PADI requirement) that you become a Nitrox diver, as you will be working with divers using Nitrox and you need to know about it so you can help them.

And lastly, you are an "Advanced Open Water" diver. An "Advanced" diver (not a rating offered by PADI) is a much higher qualification, obtainable only after a great deal of experience.

Why do you want to become a DM? Do you see it as a necessary progression step towards becoming a "fully qualified" diver? Because it isn't. It's purely about learning to work with other divers in the water, usually in a Course environment. It's a stepping stone to becoming an Instructor, which in itself is IMO way too easy to get. If you want to become a better diver, then first you should simply do more dives, a lot more dives, in varied waters including very cold. Then when you're assessed as ready, you should do an "intro to tech diving" course. Several agencies offer these under different names, but they all focus on building your confidence and ability as a self-sufficient diver, and making you comfortable with more complicated gear configurations and multiple breathing gases.
thanks for all the information and advice, just want to know one more thing, How much does it cost for the 3 courses in Belize. Because I search Costa Rica or Honduras , it's about $1300 for 3 courses. Thanks!

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