I've fallen down on my duties. Sorry for the late response. I hope it still helps.
Diving here is hit or miss. We experience all kinds of conditions and all ranges of visibility. Typical visibility here is in the 15'-40' range. I tend to see more things when the visibility isn't quite so good. It seems like more things come out of hiding. Not too many big things but I've been inside several big schools of fish or rays. Lots of smaller things to find though. Rays, eels, nudibranchs, scorpion fish, octopus, turtles (green and hawksbill). We have several seahorses that hang out with one being about 10-11" long. If you're really lucky you might find a frogfish around also.
I think the best time to dive here is October/November. The water is still pretty warm and we still have good visibility. June-September is good also but it's during the hurricane season so there's a little more uncertainty about the weather.