Diving Isla Grande, Panama

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100 - 199
Has anyone been to Isla Grande Panama? And does anyone have any idea if there is diving there, or a dive shop of any kind?
I stayed in Isla Grande last August. There is a guy who offers diving on Isla Grande, but it's hit and miss as far as his availability. When I was there, he was in Panama City. When you get to the boat docks at Isla Grande, ask around about the guy who handles diving. In Spanish, just say the word "Buceo". They'll point you in the right direction.

Also, there is Scuba Portobelo down the road in Portobelo. They run trips out to local sites such as Chicken Point and Drake Island. I thought the diving there was good.
I spent 2 seperate TDY's at Howard AFB in the mid ninety's. Dove at both Portobello and Isla Grande. Portobello is good, cost was $25 for 2 dives from aluminum john boats. Rolling out of the boat was easy, crawling back into a small 16' john boat isn't as easy. Really enjoyed the laid back atmosphere.

Isla Grande, no shop, have to take a boat ride across, reef is very swallow, and remember visibility wasn't more than 15 feet. Did a shore dive off the first point you come to when crossing by boat.

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