Diving India July = impossible???

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I've just found out I have to go to Pune near Mumbai for a week in in early July 2014 for work. I can take another week vacation afterwards. I've also discovered that this puts me right at the hight of the monsoon season. Does this basically mean that any attempt to dive in India will be futile, or is there somewhere that it is possible to successfully dive in July?
You are absolutely correct, you'll be reaching right at the peak of monsoon season, but you can still try getting some good diving days during that season as well, since most of the Dive centers there are open throughout the year. You can checkout Havelock Island in Andamans.Not all diving days are rainy :wink:
I feel the diving during the monsoons in India is actually better, in terms of the fish life. Monsoons mean less fishermen and more fish ( to put it in the crudest way possible :p ) Although the diving may be limited ( the west coast is actually closed this season ex. Goa, Netrani) but the dive centres on the east coast (Pondicherry) go out to dive almost everyday. Not to mention the Andamans where there is an abundance of fish life esp during this season.
So if you are here in July, and are actually low on vacation time, I suggest you head down to Pondicherry for some awesome Wall Drift dives with nitrox..

I have been diving in July in Pondicherry...vis was good, plenty of stuff to see. I have done my fair share of monsoon diving in SE Asia...my experience is that the shops are closed due to lack of tourists rather than due to dive conditions being poor...I know Temple Adventures in Pondy will be open in July so it won't be a problem for you.

I honestly thought based on nature shows that the monsoon was going to be weeks on end of virtually non-stop torrential downpours, but it's not too far off the summers in the SE USA...generally, crazy humidity building to a heavy rain in the early evening.

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