Diving in the Corn Islands, Nicaragua

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Florida Keys
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200 - 499
Was wondering who has been to the Corn Islands off the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua?

I am having a hard time getting a "fix" on whether the diving is at least worthwhile though the islands in general seem to be interesting. Have been to Nicaragua several times but only in the Managua area.

I have become extremely skeptical about claims made by the tourism and hotel industries because I have traveled quite a bit and am aware of all the exaggeration and b.s., they indulge in.

Am comments and recommendations regarding diving conditions as well as hotels in the Corn Islands will be appreciated.


If you do a search in the Central America forum for "corn islands" you'll find 20 returns that address the subject.
Hi all,
I am bumping this post because I am in Nicaragua now and am going to the Corn Islands in a few days. I did a search but I can´t find much info about the differences in diving btwn Big Corn and Little Corn. I have less than a week and I want to make the best of it. So...is the diving noticeably better on one or the other islands? Reef in better shape on one or the other? I am aware of the 3 dive shops and I think I would be happy with any of them. I am a backpacker type and am happy with low key accommodations etc and am NOT looking for a fancy resort experience. So if anyone has any opinions or info on the diffs btwn diving the different islands pls let me know.

Muchas gracias amigos,
Steve in Leon, Nicaragua

Was wondering who has been to the Corn Islands off the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua?
I am having a hard time getting a "fix" on whether the diving is at least worthwhile though the islands in general seem to be interesting. Have been to Nicaragua several times but only in the Managua area.

I have become extremely skeptical about claims made by the tourism and hotel industries because I have traveled quite a bit and am aware of all the exaggeration and b.s., they indulge in.

Am comments and recommendations regarding diving conditions as well as hotels in the Corn Islands will be appreciated.


See UNDERCURRENT June 2006 cover story for long report. The dive operation has changed hands since then but they tell me it is unchanged.
Little Corn is the place to dive, not Big Corn. Go to this website CasaIguana.net, the hotel and dive operator on Little Corn. You can see a detailed review in Undercurrent, I think it is posted on the Casa Iguana site where they list articles. Be sure to note the "special" dive referenced at the end of that article. For a "backpacker type" I think you will find Casa Iguana quite nice. Very good food. It aint the Hilton. Various dive sites are reviewed in the article, all are close. Lee side, 5-10 min, windward side 15? min.

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