Diving in Nice in January 2009

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I will be in Nice in late January for a conference and I would like to do some diving. Yes, I know it will be cold, but that doesn't frighten me. Can anyone recommend a dive center that is open this time of year, and can possibly rent a drysuit? Most of my certifications are from YMCA but I am a PADI divemaster. Should I have any problems? Thanks in advance for your help.
Your best bet would be to head over to Juan les Pins which is about 10 km west of Nice. When I lived in Antibes I dove with a club that is now part of EASY DIVE. Typical dives were out to the light house. Good fun.

As for your certs. You should be okay I had CMAS certs so it worked out fine for me.

Even during the winter months folks typically dive with a wet suit. At the time I was the exception and my friends were jealous. So I am not sure how easy it will be to find one.

If you need more info on the area let me know. Bon Journey.

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