diving in El Salvador

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Central Minnesota
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200 - 499
Has anyone dove in El Salvador. I am going the 10-24 of September- I plan on taking my equipment to do some diving. Any suggestions?
I had dove in El Salvador here is a previous post with pictures went I dove Lake Ilopango last year
Diving the ocean on September is no a good idea because of the reany season I just came back from ES couple weaks ago and pretty much rain every day.You can do some lake diving .About diving operator I use http://www.elsalvadordivers.com/ ask for Julio is a good guy he can help you out with anything you need .The shop is own by a Canadian .The are other operatos like Oceanica Dive Center and Blue Diver ES but I do not have any web or phone info.Good luck on you trip if I can help with anything u can contact me anytime.
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Hi. If you made it down here or are still heading down to El Salvador, Lago Ilopango will be your best bet for a dive. The rain is still causing a little bit of a problem for ocean diving, but when it's time, I will be heading to Los Cobonos.

Elsalvadordivers is a great team to go dive with. Ask for Ben or send him a message on facebook. He will lead you in the right direction.

I will post some pictures and some videos later for those that might be interested in how the lake looks.
i've dived LI too and while it's interesting to kill time, its a terrible dive: there is literally nothing down there. Despite that, the scenery around it is spectacular and its worth the trip for that alone.

I too, dived with ES Divers and Julio and there were a great bunch of hosts; would love to see the sea diving off ES, if anybody has any anecdotes, that would reall cool.

ES has terrible flooding right now, rainy season is really nailing them. Make sure you check the conditions first.

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