Diving in Corn Islands

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Does anyone have any experiences diving in off the Corn Islands??

I am looking to visit somewhere in Central America for 3 weeks or so in March or April. I have already been to Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras. A few conditions of my trip are:
1. There MUST be someplace to dive!! I want to spend a week to 10 days diving. Hoping to get in 15-20 dives.
2. I don't like really touristy places (which is why I've ruled out Costa Rica), and would prefer to go someplace that has a low key tourist scene. When I say low key I mean more of a backpackers scene......I'm not into the package tourism thing.

So, with that in mind, I'd like to hear any tips, info, experiences anyone has diving in the Corn Islands. I read on a website there are 2 dive outfitters there - one on each island. Is this up to date info?? Any recommendations on which dive shop to use? Is the diving comparable to Utila in Honduras?

Any info would be muchly appreciated!! Thanks!

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