Diver Death at Breakwater (Monterey) at 9pm 06/27/06

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When the last accident before this one? I'm not sure. Here are more details that I just found:

Preliminary reports indicate that he was a Hong Kong visitor here on buisness. The accident happenened around 9pm when the instructor lost sight of him. Apparently his last dive was about 10 years ago.

Talked with the manager at MBDC this morning and he said the diver apparently had a heart attack.

One of his DMs was doing a guided dive with this diver and he is way too shaken up right now and is blaming himself.

They were on the sand slope on their ascent ending the dive. At about 20 ft., they both did a quick check and both gave OKs. The DM started to go up the slope and turned to him and he was gone just as fast.

Never a good thing to hear about something like this.
That Sux, So you're hanging out at MBDC now huh Deuce?
Wow. Just shows the job of DM is a really serious one. Having done many, many night dives at Breakwater it is easy to take it for granted - 20 feet, sandy bottom, easy dive. No such thing as an "easy dive."

So sorry for everyone involved - the diver's loved ones, the DM involved, and all of the rescue personnel and onlookers. It affects everyone.

My heart goes out to the DM and the instructor. I was just out to Monterey on Memorial Day and did two dives with a local instructor and 2 DM candidates. Like this gentleman, I too was in the area on business. We dove Lover's Pt and Breakwater. I just can't believe it. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved and with the diver's family. Very sad.
Very sad, my hearth is with the diver's family, i can't imagen the pain they are going now, and for the DM all i can say is , is not your fault, we divers choose this activitie and from day one i knew i can die doing it, and nobody is responsable for my safety but myself.

God bless you all
Having been at Breakwater many times, including attempting a night dive (had to thumb it because vis was less than a foot), I know how easy it is to lose sight of someone. The bottom gets stirred up so easily, especially after a day of diving, visibility is often only 3-5 feet on a good day. You have to swim through kelp usually to get yourself back into shore, the first report was that he was wrapped up in kelp, not sure if that's correct or not, but extremely possible.
I also know first hand that if it were possible to save this poor soul, the folks out at CHOMP (Community Hospital of Monterey Peninsula) would have been the ones to do it. Excellent facility, and they have unfortunately a lot of experience with injured divers.
To the divers family: I am very sorry for your loss. Know that he died doing something he loved and is in a better place now.
To the DM/Instructor: It's not your fault, you did what you could, no one blames you, we all take risks when we dive and we accept those risks. It sounds like you found help ASAP, you did good.

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